Katy Trail State Park, Missouri, US |
Winter Pilgrim has been walking in the midwest, and on this day had followed the Katy Trail along the banks of the Missouri River for some hours before searching for a church where she and the rest of the party could sleep. Not so easy - guide books failed them - until a chance encounter with Jim and his Methodist Church.
"The encounter was somehow predestined. The hospitality was fantastic, the reception in their community on a Sunday night, so open, so welcoming of strangers. They were enjoying youth night - jam session in the basement, a movie, nachos for dinner...20 middle and high schoolers with a handful of parent's: pilgrims? what's a pilgrim? We three pilgrims sat at different tables telling tales of pilgrimland. An encounter that could not have been scheduled in advance. Angels nudged us together. Everyone benefited from the experience.Click here to read the full post.
I credit my co-pilgrims for their trust. Someone once commented that what I do is like the childhood game - "do you trust me? fall back into my arms and I'll catch you" I do this every day as a pilgrim - fall back into the arms of humanity trusting that humanity will catch me, and they always do. This time, my pilgrim pals released the need to have a plan and locking elbows with me fell back together. Pilgrimland rocks. The Community United Methodist Church was our collective angel last night. Wonderful."
Often vivid memories on journeys involve the stories people tell - so openly to complete strangers.